T2A – Station operation: choosing an operating frequency, calling another station, test transmissions; Band plans: calling frequencies, repeater offsets.
Tommy prepares for Parks on The Air activation. Mike visits the Communications and Electronics Museum. George creates Random Intelligence (or not) while exploring the recent Arduino Uno Rev4 WiFi board. Emile displays his mad slacking skills.
Adding a Buck-Boost Converter to the PC Power Supply. Tommy’s GMRS Update. Hurricane Francine, Moving, RMS Gateway. AmateurLogic’s 19th Anniversary contest award.
T1D - Authorized and prohibited transmissions: communications with other countries, music, exchange of information with other services, indecent language, compensation for operating, retransmission of other amateur signals, encryption, sale of equipment, unidentified transmissions, one-way transmission.
Convert a PC power supply for use on the bench. A Ground Mounted Receiving Loop, literally. 12 volt 18650 Lithium Battery Box for UPS replacement.
Announcing AmateurLogic’s 19th Anniversary Contest. Win an Icom IC-705 transceiver. Plus GigaParts, Intellitron accessories and Messi & Paoloni premium coax. Details at amateurlogic.tv/contest
T1C – Licensing: classes, sequential and vanity call sign systems, places where the Amateur Radio Service is regulated by the FCC, name and address on FCC license database, term, renewal, grace period, maintaining mailing address; International communications
Early radio receivers.
George visited with friends at Huntsville Hamfest 2024 and found a few new interesting items. Tom Apalenek, WA2IVD with A-2-Z.tech introduced several unique helper products. Steve Molo, KI4KWR from GigaParts talks about the new Intellitron line of ham radio goodies. Meet Jerry Lynch, KE9AKK Sales Manager at Heil Ham Radio. Find out what George bought and what’s in the Mystery Box?
T1B – Frequency allocations, Emission modes, Spectrum sharing, Transmissions near band edges, Contacting the International Space Station, Power output.
George replaces a defective FT-857d display with an economical new option. Emile’s Cheap Old Code. Tommy shows how to get your GMRS license and visits the new GigaParts Superstore. Terry, 2E0IPK visits with his RigExpert AA-230 Zoom analyzer.
The excitement, skills and sweat of Field Day 2024 at W5SLA and W5AXC. Find out what worked and what didn't. Plus, Tommy shows the M5 Stack voice keyer for his IC-705.
T1A – Purpose and permissible use of the Amateur Radio Service. Operator/primary station license grant, Meanings of basic terms used in FCC rules, Interference, RACES rules, Phonetics, Frequency Coordinator.
George and Mike’s Excellent Adventure to Dayton Hamvention 2024.
New radios, old radios, mystery radio and friends. Take your best guess at what new radio Icom has under glass. Learn more about the new Flex radios. Visit with good friends we all know. See 60 years of Icom Radio History. And find out about Emile’s Cheap Old Field Day plans.
DXing the entire AM Broadcast Band during the 2024 solar eclipse.
Rattlegram, a new digital text messaging mode for HF/VHF/UHF recreational and emergency communications.
Smith charts with the NanoVNA.